Víme, kdo byl sv. Mikuláš? / Who was Saint Nicholas?

4. prosinec 2015
Adam´s Mish Mash

Good day to you good folk and welcome to Adam’s Mish Mash and today you’ll be hosted by the man himself: Adam Snellgrove. That’s me. And what is it that we do here? Well we talk in English. And after we’re done talking English, we talk Czech. It is very sophisticated. And now Czech.

Blíží se víkend a s ním i Mikuláš s čertem a andělem. Pro ty, kteří snad zapomněli, ze soboty na neděli bude po domech chodit Mikuláš s čertem a andělem a obdarovávat hodné děti a trestat zlobivé. Ale kdo byl svatý Mikuláš? Žil ve 3. a 4. století našeho letopočtu a byl váženým biskupem ve městě Myra a pro množství zázraků je mu někdy přezdíváno Divotvůrce. Je patronem spousty lidí, ale abychom jich vyjmenovali alespoň pár, tak např. dětí, panen, poutníků, rybářů, hasičů, zajatců, prostitutek a křivě obviněných zlodějů. Zemřel 6. prosince mezi lety 345 a 352, kdy se také slaví jeho svátek, i když se předpokládá, že toto datum bylo smyšlené, aby nahradilo oslavu pohanské bohyně lovu Diany, která spadala na tento den.

The weekend is nearly upon us and with that Saint Nicholas with his Devil and Angel. For those who might have forgotten, from Saturday to Sunday Saint Nicholas with his Devil and Angel will go around homes giving gifts to the well behaved kids and punishing the naughty ones. But who was Nicholas? He lived in the third and fourth century AD and he was a respected Bishop of Myra and because of the many miracles attributed to him he is sometimes called the Wonderworker. He is the patron Saint of many people but to name just a few for instance Children, Virgins, Wanderers, Fisherman, Firemen, POW’s, Prostitutes and wrongly accused thieves. He died between the years 345 and 352 on the 6th of December, which is when we celebrate him, though this date is thought to be made up because of the attempt to replace Diana the goddess of hunting who was venerated on this day also, by Saint Nicholas.

Jedna z nejstarších legend o svatém Mikuláši pojednává o zchudlém šlechtici, který poslal své tři dcery do veřejného domu, aby si vydělaly na věno. Mikuláš jim podle legendy hodil oknem po jednom sáčku se zlaťáky, takže mohly ukončit svou činnost a vdát se. Na stejné legendě je též založena tradice mikulášské nadílky.

One of the oldest legends about Saint Nicholas describes a poor aristocrat, who sent his three daughters into a house of ill repute, so they could earn their dowry. Nicholas according to legend threw a bag of gold for the girls into the window of the bawdy house so they could end their activities and get married. On the same legend the tradition of getting presents from Saint Nicholas is based.

If you didn’t understand this episode, then you should better watch out and you better not pout cause Adam Snellgrove’s coming to town.

autor: Adam Snellgrove
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